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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Safe Families for Children.

Please complete the following information and we will be in touch soon.

Personal Details

Host Family: Caring for children in your own home (overnight hosting or day time only care). [requirements]

Family Friend: Connect with either a parent (to provide friendship and support) or a child (mentorship or child care NOT in your own home), including transportation. [requirements]

Family Coach: Come alongside families to help them reach their goals, monitor children in volunteer's homes, and support Host Families and Family Friends. [requirements]

Resource Friend: Supporting families by providing useful goods or services. [requirements]

Other: Including ministry lead at a Church, financial donations, admin work, advocating, prayer or any other way of being connected to the movement not already listed.

(If you do not see your area listed feel free to email to inquire about starting a chapter.)
(if you don't have one then please enter "N/A"):

* By answering yes you will be added to the local newsletter and start receiving any local resource requests.

All applicants applying to be a host family must say yes to a spouse or partner volunteering as they will be involved in the hosting

The following questions are required so that there can be a more thorough discussion at the interview regarding if they would impact your ability to volunteer. They do not automatically disqualify you.

Your References

References are required for Host families, Family friends, and Family coaches.

Any couples/roommates applying need 3 references that speak to BOTH applicants. If references only know one applicant, you must add additional references when filling out a spouse/partner/roommates application.

Each reference should have known you for at least 2 years and not be members of your family. We cannot accept more than two references who know you from one place i.e. church.

Please enter a first name, last name, a telephone number and email address. Please choose references who know all applicants in the family.

Reference 1's Details (Church/Community Leader) *

Reference 2's Details (Employer/Supervisor/Leader/Co-worker) *

Reference 3's Details (Friend) *

Background Information

Historic and/or current offenses may or may not have a bearing upon the application depending on the category, date and mitigating circumstances.

This volunteer position requires a background check and fingerprinting, as well as an interview.

I declare that the information given here is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that the withholding of relevant information or the giving of inaccurate information may jeopardize my application.

In order to process your application we will need to store your data electronically. Please only submit this form if you agree to us holding this data.

I understand that this application and all other required documents needed to complete the SFFC volunteer application process are confidential and will not be disclosed without my written permission or court order. I also understand my access to my volunteer application and other required documents to complete the SFFC volunteer application process, will be governed by SFFC volunteer records policy.

If you have any questions please call your local Safe Families for Children chapter.